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A holiday for the heart

I discovered a deep satisfaction in not actively seeking satisfaction. ~Ajahn Amaro

You are warmly invited to join us online on Saturday, January 13 for this day of deepening in the Dharma. Together, we’ll hold what needs to be held and recognize what’s already past. We’ll rest in the center of conditions and make it a holiday for the heart. Remembering that no matter what a moment holds, we can meet it in a beautiful way, and discover the satisfaction of unconditionally accepting things just as they are. The sangha reminds everyone of us that we don’t have to do it alone. 

Practices will include guided sits, walking, Q&A, and a dharma talk.  
Feel free to have your camera off, or only come for part of the day…you know our motto “Come as you are, no perfect people allowed.” 

$35 Registration fee + dana to Vinny  
If the registration fee is prohibitive for you, please email and we will get you registered.

Register at:

March 16

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